Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bucolic of or suggesting the countryside or a rustic style of life, especially one that is quiet and pleasant.
condescend to act as if one were of superior rank or station, treating others as inferior; patronize.
confound to perplex or bewilder; confuse.
desist to stop acting in a certain way.
dovetail to fit together precisely or harmoniously.
encampment a place where a rough, temporary living area has been set up.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
illustrious highly renowned; celebrated; glorious.
inviolable absolutely not to be breached, dishonored or profaned.
lamentable deserving to be mourned or regretted; deplorable; unfortunate; disappointing.
nonpartisan not influenced or determined by the policies or interests of a political party.
predominant being the chief or greatest in importance, status, influence, or the like.
preoccupation the state of being completely engrossed or absorbed in thought.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
uncomplicated not difficult to understand or deal with; simple; straightforward.