Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjourn to stop the process of a formal meeting or court session, often with the intention of starting again at another time.
capacity the amount that can be held in a particular space.
certainty the state of being sure or confident.
condemn to call wrong, evil, or inadequate; strongly disapprove of.
congest to fill to excess; overcrowd; clog.
conquer to get or overcome by force.
duplicate something that is an exact copy of something else.
facility a building made or used for a particular activity.
fatality a sudden or unexpected death.
generosity the condition of being willing and ready to give.
impertinent rude or too bold.
individualize to make distinct, unique, or suited to a particular person or thing.
psychological of or having to do with psychology.
tarnish to dull the luster or color of.
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment.