Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abase to diminish (something of value) or to place (especially oneself) in a lower position than another or others; lower; demean.
distort to twist out of shape; change the way a thing looks or acts.
enhance to improve or add to the quality, value, or attractiveness of.
formulation the process or result of clear, methodical development or articulation.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
logic the process of drawing conclusions based on known principles or facts; reasoning.
measly (informal) ridiculously inadequate or unsatisfactory; paltry.
momentary lasting only an instant.
nauseate to cause disgust or repugnance in.
omission the act of leaving out or the condition of being left out.
qualification something that makes a person fit for an activity or job.
rave to talk with much enthusiasm; praise.
thermal using, resulting from, or producing heat.
unnecessary not needed or required.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.