Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alarm a bell or other loud noise used to signal danger.
awake to rouse from sleep.
fill to cause to become full; put as much as possible into.
flat1 having a surface that does not slant up or down. If a roof is flat, it is not higher at one end than the other; level.
follow to come or go after or behind.
grip to grasp or hold firmly.
hammer a tool with a heavy metal head on a handle. A hammer is used to hit things such as nails.
hurt to cause pain or harm to.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
liar a person who tells lies instead of the truth.
peaceful quiet; calm.
sap the liquid that carries nutrients and water to all parts of a plant.
soft easy to bend or shape; not firm or hard.
tree a plant that has a long main trunk and many branches. Trees usually grow quite tall.
welcome used to express warm greetings to someone who has just arrived.