Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affair an event, matter, or happening.
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff.
column a vertical list or row.
eventually at a future time; in the end; finally.
fringe an edge of hanging threads, yarn, or strips of leather used to decorate clothing or drapes.
manner a way of doing something; style.
parlor a room in a house, hotel, restaurant, or the like for conversation or for entertaining guests.
relieve to make less painful or troubling; ease.
spread to open or stretch out.
thrive to do well or be successful.
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries.
truth agreement with the facts or what is real.
unbelievable astounding or very hard to believe.
unknown not familiar, or not figured out.
weary tired in body or mind; fatigued.