Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bald having little or no hair on the head.
citizen a person who is a member of a country because of being born there or being accepted as a member by law.
crew a group of people who work together.
crooked bent, curved, or twisting.
curl to make into a curved shape.
hall a long space in a building that people walk through to go from one room to another.
key a metal object cut in a special way so it can open or close locks.
magic related to or used in the mysterious or supernatural control of objects or events.
magnet an object that has the power to pull certain metals toward itself.
rocket a device shaped like a tube that moves at high speed and is powered by gases that are forced out of one end. Rockets are used to send things into the air.
salad a mixture of raw vegetables served with dressing.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
slow not moving fast or not able to move fast.
spare available for use at a later time.
tomorrow the day after today.