Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acrid bitter in taste or smell; sharply irritating.
ameliorate to make better; improve.
bilious ill-tempered; irritable.
caprice a sudden, impulsive change of mind or direction, or an unpredictable action.
confidant one to whom a secret or secrets are entrusted.
disincline to cause to be unwilling or reluctant.
miasma a thick, obscuring vapor.
mote a fine particle of dust; speck.
nonentity someone or something that is insignificant, dull, undistinguished, or unimportant, especially a person.
pathological afflicted with or caused by a physical or especially a mental disorder.
portend to serve as a sign or warning of; bode.
repercussion (usually plural) a result or effect of an action or event, often occurring indirectly or unexpectedly.
suppress to stop the activities or progress of, especially by force.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.
untimely not occurring at a convenient or appropriate time; poorly timed.