Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bookcase a set of shelves for holding books.
catch to get control of (someone or something moving away); capture.
film a movie.
garden an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables.
glance a quick look.
pat1 a light tap or stroke with the open hand or a flat object.
prisoner a person who is held under close guard, as in a jail, while on trial or after being sentenced for a crime.
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth.
reach to extend or stretch as far as.
rifle a gun that has a long barrel and that is shot from the shoulder.
score the total points earned in a game or test.
sink to fall slowly to a lower level.
sweater a warm piece of clothing that is worn on the upper body.
tongue the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in human speech.
wage (often plural) money paid at regular times to a person for doing work.