Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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backward with the last part first; in a way that is the opposite of the usual way.
believe to accept as honest or true.
belong to have as a proper place or situation.
bridge a structure that goes over something such as a river or road so that people can travel from one side to the other.
carefully with thought and attention or caution about what one is doing.
catch to get control of (someone or something moving away); capture.
cause something that makes a thing happen.
fool A person who has poor sense or judgment.
gather to bring together into one place; collect.
gentle not intending to cause pain or trouble to other people or animals; kind.
injure to harm or damage.
lake a large body of fresh or salt water that has land all around it.
pretend to imagine or make believe.
stupid dull or slow to learn; not smart.
tomorrow the day after today.