Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bitter having a strong taste that is neither sweet nor sour.
breakfast the first meal of the day, which people usually eat in the morning.
cook to prepare food for eating by using heat.
gown a dress worn on special occasions.
holy relating to a god or religion.
male having to do with a person or animal of the sex that does not produce eggs or give birth.
microphone a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them.
murder the crime of killing a person.
refuse1 to not accept or agree to something; to say "no."
rob to steal something from a person or place, often with the use of force.
stormy having or characterized by storms.
story1 a report of events that really happened or are imaginary.
system a group of things or parts that work together as a whole.
terrific very good; fantastic.
wilderness a region in its natural state where there are things like trees and wild animals, but no people living there.