Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aloof at a distance; apart.
anesthesia a drug or other agent used to bring about unconsciousness or absence of pain.
ballad a poem or song that tells a story.
beforehand ahead of time; at an earlier time.
compress to press into less space; squeeze closely together.
delirium a temporary state of mental disturbance sometimes caused by high fever, shock, or intoxication, and characterized by confusion, hallucinations, delusions, disturbed speech, and the like.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
equivalence the state, fact, or condition of being the same in value, amount, importance, or the like.
informal relaxed in style or feeling; casual.
misplace to put in a wrong place; lose.
offend to cause to be angry, annoyed, or insulted.
ordeal a painful, difficult experience, or test of one's character.
shrewd clever and careful.
synergy the combined action or power of two or more things.
vengeance injury or damage done to a person in return for injury or damage inflicted by him or her; retribution.