Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adjoin to be next to; border on.
amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit.
canvass to conduct a survey of; poll.
coterie a small, exclusive group of friends or associates with similar interest or activities; clique.
counterfeiter one who makes fraudulent imitations or copies, especially of money.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
dross anything that is worthless or useless; rubbish.
girth the length around something.
impel to drive or incite to action.
indecisive not definite or conclusive.
integral being an essential part of the whole.
marginal barely above a minimum standard of quality.
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients.
pertain to relate to or have to do with something.
wasteland land where there are no living things or where nothing will grow.