Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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collaborative characterized by or resulting from the activity of people or organizations working together for a common purpose.
committee a group of persons chosen to give attention to a particular matter.
disarm to take away the weapons of; divest of the means of attack or defense.
editor a person who reads and corrects materials for publication.
ignite to cause to begin burning; set on fire.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
installation the act of installing or condition of being installed.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
pact an agreement or a sworn promise.
policy1 a set of rules or a plan that is used as a guide for action.
presume to take for granted; assume.
rebuke to give a sharp reprimand to; criticize.
rendezvous a meeting that has been arranged ahead of time.
respondent a person who gives a reply or answer, especially to a survey or poll.
retract to pull back in.