Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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available able to be used or possible to get.
birth the act or fact of being born.
bleed to lose blood.
creative able to make or do something new or with imagination.
cripple to cause a serious injury in.
embarrassed feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others.
essentially at the core; when the most important part is considered.
fiction writing that tells a story made up in a writer's imagination. Fiction is usually written in prose, not poetry. Novels, short stories, and tales are pieces of fiction.
handful the amount that can be held in a single hand.
lessen to become or make smaller in amount or size.
majority the greater number or amount; a number or amount greater than half.
opportunity a chance for a better situation.
solid having a firm shape or form that can be measured in length, width, and height; not like a liquid or a gas.
typically usually; normally.
wonder to feel admiration, surprise, or amazement (often followed by "at").