Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle at the top.
build to make something by joining together different parts.
firm1 not soft.
flock a group of animals or birds of one kind that stay or are kept together.
hole an open or hollow place in something.
keep to hold or continue to hold.
picture a painting, drawing, or photograph.
robbery the act of stealing money or property from a person or place; the act of robbing.
rope pieces of string, wire, or similar material twisted together to make a thicker, stronger line.
shed2 to take off or drop something that covers or grows.
shirt a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body.
sick having an illness; not well.
spear1 a weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp pointed tip. Spears are thrown or thrust with the hand.
square a flat, closed figure with four straight sides of equal length and four equal corners.
vanish to disappear suddenly from sight.