Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjourn to stop the process of a formal meeting or court session, often with the intention of starting again at another time.
artistic showing skill and imagination in creating.
comprehend to understand or grasp the meaning of.
compress to press into less space; squeeze closely together.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
convertible able to be changed.
hazardous full of danger; having great or many risks.
ingenious clever or creative in setting up or working through problems.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
primitive having to do with an early stage or a condition that is not developed.
proliferation the act of spreading or multiplying rapidly.
retain to hold or keep.
similarity the state or quality of being similar; resemblance.
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study.
visionary a person with a unique capability to predict what will become important in the future.