Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dilapidated fallen into ruin or decay.
fallacy a false or misleading idea or notion, especially one that is commonly held.
invective strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language.
odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance.
provincial limited in outlook; narrow-minded.
pseudonym a false name adopted by someone, especially an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name.
rambunctious wildly or uncontrollably active; difficult to control; boisterous.
recourse that which may be turned to for assistance, protection, or a way out of a difficult situation.
stratify to assign categories or create divisions within (a society) according to a hierarchy of social or economic classes.
uncontrolled acting or continuing, or allowed to act or continue, without constraint, regulation, or opposition.
uncritical not making critical judgments or discriminations, especially those based on standards.
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.
vanguard the leading or foremost position or part of a movement or force; forefront.
vanquish to subdue or defeat by or as if by greater force; conquer; overcome.
volatile rapidly changeable, especially tending to become violent.