Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
clan a group of people from the same family.
covenant a usually formal agreement between two or more parties to engage in or refrain from something.
custody the legal right to take care of and control someone or something.
deform to damage the shape or form of.
discard to throw out or away; cast off.
dispense to give out in portions; distribute.
displace to force out of a home territory or particular place.
herald a person who conveys or announces official news; messenger.
highlight that which is exceptionally and pleasurably memorable, important, or prominent.
hulk an old ship that no longer is in use.
incite to bring about, especially by angering or upsetting.
portent a sign of something important, and often disastrous, that is about to occur; omen.
thwart to hinder, oppose, or frustrate.
unpredictable not able to be known beforehand.