Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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barb a small, sharp point that sticks out in the opposite direction of the main point or hook, as on an arrow, fishhook, or the like.
classification the act of putting or ordering things into groups of similar things.
commissioner the head of a government department.
communicate to make known.
forgive to excuse or pardon.
freight goods shipped by boat, plane, train, or truck.
hatred a feeling of very strong dislike.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
infest to spread in or overrun as a nuisance or danger.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
manual a book of instructions.
scan to read or look over quickly.
sense to be or become aware of; perceive.
stretch to spread out or reach out to the full length in order to make loose and flexible.
wring to twist and squeeze tightly.