Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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agile moving quickly and gracefully.
application a way of being used.
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home.
hazard danger or risk.
historian one who writes about or is an expert on history.
jeer to remark in a loud, mocking, abusive manner.
nauseate to cause disgust or repugnance in.
negligence disregard of, omission of, or failure to do something necessary, especially when it is habitual.
overhang to extend out over.
penal of, concerning, or giving out punishment, especially according to law.
personnel all of the people who work for a business or other organization.
prose writing or speech in its usual form of a series of sentences. Most language that is not poetry can be described as prose. Novels, short stories, essays, and letters are examples of writing done in prose.
recede to move away or back; become more distant.
solitude the condition of living or being by oneself.
tremor a shaking or trembling.