Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
a new lease on life an opportunity to live a happier life because of improved circumstances.
brand-new having never been used before; completely new. [2 definitions]
New American Bible an English language edition Bible, published in 1970, that is approved for use by Roman Catholics.
new blood new persons, members, or personnel, esp. ones bringing new and energetic attitudes.
New Brunswick a province in southeastern Canada. Its capital is Fredericton.
new candle see "candela."
New Deal the political and economic policies of the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, focusing primarily on helping the United States recover from the Great Depression.
New Delhi the capital of India.
New England the six states in the northeastern corner of the United States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.
New English Bible a translation of the Bible into modern idiomatic English based upon ancient Greek and other sources, that was published between 1961 and 1970.
New Guinea a large East Indies island north of Australia, occupied by an Indonesian province and Papua New Guinea. [2 definitions]
new halfpenny the official name of the halfpenny currently minted in the United Kingdom. (See halfpenny.)
New Hampshire a state in the northeastern United States. Its capital is Concord. (abbreviated: NH)
New High German the High German language since the sixteenth century.
New Jersey a state in the eastern United States on the Atlantic Coast. Its capital is Trenton. (abbreviated: NJ)
new journalism (sometimes cap.) a style of reporting characterized by the reporter's subjective interpretations and the insertion of dramatized, fictional events, conversations, and the like.
New Left a radical political movement from the 1960s advocating revolutionary changes in the political, social, and economic structure of society, esp. U.S. society.
new math a system of teaching mathematics based on set theory, used in many U.S. elementary and secondary schools since the middle of the twentieth century.
New Mexico a state in the southwestern United States. Its capital is Santa Fe. (abbreviated: NM)
new moon the phase of the moon when it cannot be seen because it passes directly between the sun and the earth.