easternmost |
farthest east. |
Eastern Orthodox Church |
the modern group of Christian churches, such as the Russian and Greek Orthodox, that originated in the Eastern Roman Empire. |
Eastern Roman Empire |
the eastern division of the Roman Empire, comprising the Turkish peninsula and part of southeastern Europe, esp. from 395 to 476 A.D., after which it is called the Byzantine Empire. (Cf. Western Roman Empire.) |
Eastern Standard Time |
the standard time used in the eastern region of the United States, five hours behind Greenwich time. |
Easter rabbit |
see "Easter bunny." |
Eastertide |
the season of or period following Easter. |
East Germany |
formerly, a European country between West Germany and Poland, in 1990 reunited with West Germany; German Democratic Republic. |
East India Company |
see "British East India Company." [2 definitions] |
East Indies |
the Malay Archipelago, esp. Indonesia; East India. |
east-northeast |
a point on the compass halfway between east and northeast. [2 definitions] |
east-southeast |
a point on the compass halfway between east and southeast. [2 definitions] |
East Timor |
a country in Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the eastern part of the island of Timor, which it shares with the nation of Indonesia. |
eastward |
toward the east. [3 definitions] |
eastwardly |
toward the east. [2 definitions] |
easy |
not hard or difficult. [7 definitions] |
easy chair |
a large thickly upholstered armchair. |
easygoing |
not worried or rushed; not easily upset; relaxed; calm; placid. [2 definitions] |
eat |
to consume (food) through the mouth. [7 definitions] |
eatable |
suitable for eating; edible. [2 definitions] |
eat crow |
(informal) to back down, as from a strongly held position, and thereby be humiliated. |
eaten |
"Eaten" is the past participle of "eat." |