kobold |
in Germanic folklore, a spirit or elf that haunts households. [2 definitions] |
Kodiak bear |
an extremely large brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia. |
Kohinoor |
a large Indian diamond that is included in the British crown jewels. |
kohl |
a powdered substance used esp. by women in some Eastern countries as eye makeup. |
kohlrabi |
a plant of the cabbage family that has a bulbous, edible stem. |
Kohoutek |
a comet first observed in 1973 and visible into 1974. |
koine |
(sometimes cap.) the colloquial form of Greek widely spoken during the Hellenistic period and the period of the Roman Empire (often prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
kola |
an extract prepared from the kola nut, used in beverages and medicines. [2 definitions] |
kola nut |
the seed of the kola tree, which contains caffeine and theobromine and is used in soft drinks and medicines. |
kolinsky |
any of several minks of northern Eurasia. [2 definitions] |
Kol Nidre |
one of the most sacred prayers in the Jewish liturgy, recited at the beginning of religious services on Yom Kippur. |
Komodo Dragon |
a carnivorous lizard of the monitor family found in Indonesia and, growing up to ten feet long, the largest species of lizard in the world. |
komondor |
(often cap.) any of a Hungarian breed of dog having a large strong body with white fur that mats into hanging cords. |
kook |
(slang) a person considered to be eccentric, strange, or crazy. |
kopeck |
the smaller monetary unit of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. (Cf. ruble.) |
koph |
the name of the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Koran |
the fundamental sacred text of Islam, believed to have been revealed to Muhammad by Allah and serving as the basis of Muslim religion, law, and secular conduct. |
korat |
any of a breed of cat having a shiny bluish coat and large greenish eyes. |
Korea |
a region of East Asia that had been a single country until war divided it into North Korea and South Korea in the 1950s. |
Korean |
of or pertaining to North and South Korea, or to the people, culture, or language of these nations together. [2 definitions] |
koruna |
the chief monetary unit of the Czech and Slovak Republics, equaling one hundred halers. |