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mink any of several small, carnivorous North American mammals that are related to the weasel, that have short legs, partly webbed feet, and a pointed snout, and that live near water. [3 definitions]
minke whale a small, fast-moving whale having furrows on its light belly and throat and a dorsal fin.
minnesinger a German lyric poet or troubadour of the late Middle Ages.
Minnesota a Midwestern U.S. state on the Canadian border between Wisconsin and the Dakotas. (abbr.: MN)
minnow any of several varieties of small, freshwater fish that are related to the carp. [2 definitions]
minor being of lesser importance or seriousness than others of the same kind. [7 definitions]
minority a segment or amount consisting of less than half the total. (Cf. majority.) [4 definitions]
minor league any league of professional sports teams in the United States that is not considered a major league, esp. in baseball.
minor order one of the four clerical ranks in the Roman Catholic Church. (Cf. major order.)
minor scale any diatonic musical scale in which there is a half-step between the second and third tones of the corresponding major scale.
minor suit in bridge, diamonds or clubs. (Cf. major suit.)
Minoru Yasui an American of Japanese descent who, during World War II, was one of few Japanese-Americans to openly violate curfew restrictions and defy the relocation orders of the U.S. Government. He challenged the constitutionality of the application of curfews to people based on their ethnicity, and his case eventually went to the Supreme Court, where he was unanimously ruled against in Yasui v. United States in 1943, in a companion case to Hirabayashi v. United States (b.1915--d.1986).
Minos in Greek mythology, king of Crete who imprisoned Daedalus and Daedalus's son Icarus.
Minotaur in Greek mythology, a monster that is half bull and half man, confined in the Cretan Labyrinth.
Minsk the capital of Belarus.
minstrel a medieval musician who traveled from place to place, singing songs and reciting verses. [3 definitions]
minstrel show a comic variety show performed by a troupe of actors in blackface.
minstrelsy the work or art of a minstrel. [3 definitions]
mint1 any of a variety of aromatic plants often cultivated as a source of fragrant oils for flavorings such as peppermint or spearmint. [2 definitions]
mint2 a factory or plant where money is produced under the authority of the government. [5 definitions]
mintage the act or process of coining money. [4 definitions]