minx |
a flirtatious or impudent young woman. |
Miocene |
of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch between the Oligocene and Pliocene of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 26 million to 5 million years ago, when mammals began to acquire modern characteristics. [2 definitions] |
miosis |
severe contraction of the pupil of the eye. (Cf. mydriasis.) |
Mira |
a red variable star in the constellation Cetus, having a widely fluctuating magnitude between 2.0 and 10.0. |
mirabelle |
a small, sweet, deep-yellow fruit that resembles a plum. [3 definitions] |
mirabile dictu |
(Latin) wonderful to say or relate. |
miracle |
an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is therefore attributed to a supernatural or divine power. [2 definitions] |
miracle play |
a type of medieval religious drama that depicted the lives of saints or Biblical stories. |
miraculous |
of the nature of a miracle. [2 definitions] |
mirage |
an optical effect, often occurring in the desert or on hot pavement, in which light distorted by air masses of different temperatures creates the illusion of water and sometimes inverts distant objects. [2 definitions] |
Miranda |
of or pertaining to the legal obligation of an arresting officer to inform a person being arrested of his or her legal rights. |
Miranda rights |
specific rights that a person has about what they can do or say after being arrested by the police. |
mire |
deep, heavy mud or soil. [7 definitions] |
mirex |
an insecticide used esp. against the stinging fire ant. |
mirror |
a smooth, reflecting surface, usu. glass, with a metallic or similar backing. [5 definitions] |
mirror image |
an image of something as though it were seen in a mirror. |
mirth |
happiness or gaiety, esp. accompanied by laughter. |
mirthless |
combined form of mirth. |
a long-range ballistic missile that has several warheads, each of which can be directed separately, either as to target or as to time of release (acronym for "multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle"). |
miry |
full of or like mire; swampy or boggy. [2 definitions] |
mirza |
a distinguished title following the name of a Persian prince or preceding that of a high government official or distinguished scholar. |