plus fours |
long, loose knickerbockers that are baggy below the knee. |
plush |
a fabric having a long, soft pile. [3 definitions] |
plus sign |
a mathematical sign (+) indicating addition or a positive quantity. |
Pluto |
in Greek mythology, the god of wealth who is also identified with Hades, the Underworld. [2 definitions] |
plutocracy |
a state or system of government in which the wealthy rule. [2 definitions] |
plutocrat |
a member of a wealthy ruling class. [2 definitions] |
plutonic |
of rocks, formed deep within the earth's surface by great heat and pressure and slow cooling. |
plutonium |
a radioactive chemical element of the actinide series that has ninety-four protons in each nucleus and that is capable of explosive nuclear fission in a chain reaction, used as fuel in some types of nuclear reactors. (symbol: Pu) |
pluvial |
having to do with rain, esp. a lot of rain; rainy. [2 definitions] |
ply1 |
to employ (something) as a weapon or tool. [6 definitions] |
ply2 |
a layer, as of wood products. [2 definitions] |
Plymouth |
a U.S. town in southeastern Massachusetts. In 1620, English colonists known as the Pilgrims established a settlement called Plymouth Colony in this location, which later became the town of Plymouth. |
plywood |
a sturdy board made from thin layers of wood tightly compressed and glued together, usu. with the grains at right angles. |
Pm |
symbol of the chemical element promethium. |
p.m. |
abbreviation of "post meridiem" (Latin); after noon, or the period of time from noon until midnight. |
P.M. |
abbreviation of "Prime Minister," the chief minister and head of the cabinet in parliamentary governments. |
pneumatic |
of, using, or concerning air or other gases. [5 definitions] |
pneumatics |
(used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of the mechanical properties of gases. |
pneumococcus |
a bacterium that can cause pneumonia. |
pneumoencephalogram |
an x-ray of the spaces in the brain that contain fluid, after the replacement of the cerebrospinal fluid by air or gas. |
pneumonia |
a serious disease caused by viruses, bacteria, or fluid in the lungs, and characterized by inflammation of one or both lungs. |