quotation mark |
either of a pair of double punctuation marks (" ") used to enclose a quotation, or either of a pair of single punctuation marks (' ') used to enclose a quotation within a quotation. |
quote |
to repeat exact words or information from. [7 definitions] |
quotidian |
happening every day or once a day. [2 definitions] |
quotient |
that number which is obtained as the result of an arithmetic division. |
quo warranto |
in law, a proceeding intended to determine the legality or legitimacy of one's exercise of certain powers or one's right to a certain franchise. |
qurush |
an intermediate monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, equaling five halalah. (Cf. riyal.) |
qwerty keyboard |
a keyboard with alphabetical and numerical keys in the same arrangement as those on a typewriter. |
-r1 |
a variant of -er1. |
-r2 |
variant of -er2. |
R1 |
abbreviation of "restricted; those under eighteen must be accompanied by an adult" (used as a film rating). |
R2 |
abbreviation of "registered trademark" (usu. enclosed in a circle). |
R.1 |
abbreviation of "River." |
R.2 |
abbreviation of "Republican." |
r |
the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet. |
r. |
abbreviation of "right." |
Ra1 |
symbol of the chemical element radium. |
Ra2 |
in Egyptian mythology, the supreme god and sun god, depicted with a head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk. |
Rabat |
the seaport capital of Morocco. |
rabat |
a plain, black, false shirt front worn with a clerical collar by some clergymen. |
rabbet |
a slot or groove cut into the edge of a board, frame, or the like, to receive a projecting edge of another piece so that the two fit together. [5 definitions] |
rabbi |
in Judaism, a cleric having the responsibilities of leading a local congregation, teaching, and supervising rituals such as weddings. [3 definitions] |