southeastern |
located in, coming from, or characteristic of the southeast. |
southeasterner |
a person born or living in a southeastern region. |
southeastward |
toward the southeast. [3 definitions] |
southeastwardly |
toward the southeast. [2 definitions] |
souther |
a sudden storm or gale from the south. |
southerly |
of, related to, or toward the south. [3 definitions] |
southern |
situated in, directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south. |
Southern Cross |
a circumpolar constellation in the southern sky, located within the Milky Way and containing two bright stars. |
southerner |
(often cap.) a native or inhabitant of a southern area or region. |
Southern Hemisphere |
the half of the earth that is south of the equator. |
southern lights |
see "aurora australis." |
Southern Ocean |
the ocean that surrounds the continent of Antarctica. |
Southern Rhodesia |
see "Rhodesia," "Zimbabwe." |
Southern Yemen |
formerly, a country at the southern edge of Arabia on the Arabian Sea, now part of Yemen. |
South Korea |
a country on the eastern coast of Asia, south of North Korea; Republic of Korea. |
southland |
(sometimes cap.) the southern portion of a country or area. |
southpaw |
(informal) one who is left-handed, esp. a baseball pitcher. [2 definitions] |
South Pole |
the point on the earth's surface that is intersected by the southern end of the earth's rotational axis. [4 definitions] |
South Sea Islands |
the islands in the South Pacific, collectively. (Cf. Oceania.) |
South Seas |
the South Pacific. [2 definitions] |
south-southeast |
a point on the compass halfway between south and southeast. [2 definitions] |