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Sri Lanka an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of India.
SRO abbreviation of "standing room only."
Srta. (Spanish) abbreviation of "Seņorita," a title equivalent to "Miss."
SS abbreviation of "steamship," a large steam-powered ship; steamer (used in a proper name).
S.S. abbreviation of "Schutzstaffel" (German); an elite military corps in Germany that functioned as a special security police arm of the Nazi Party.
SSE abbreviation of "south-southeast," a point on the compass halfway between south and southeast.
SSN abbreviation of "Social Security Number," a number issued by the U.S. federal government to citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents of the United States for the purposes of tracking working individuals.
SSS abbreviation of "Selective Service System," a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.
SST abbreviation of "supersonic transport."
SSW abbreviation of "south-southwest," a point on the compass halfway between south and southwest.
-st variant of -est.
St.1 abbreviation of "Street," a public thoroughfare in a town or city (used as part of a proper name).
St.2 abbreviation of "Saint," one who has been formally recognized and entitled by the Roman Catholic Church as having lived a holy life; one who has been canonized.
St.3 abbreviation of "State," the population of a specific area unified under a single government; nation. [2 definitions]
Sta. abbreviation of "Station."
stab to pierce or wound with or as if with a pointed implement, esp. a knife. [6 definitions]
Stabat Mater a Latin hymn commemorating the sorrows of the Virgin Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
stabbing sudden and piercing, as a pain. [2 definitions]
stabile with a fixed position; stable; immobile. [3 definitions]
stability the condition or quality of being stable.
stabilization the act or process of stabilizing or the condition of being stabilized.