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tannin any of various astringent chemical substances of vegetable origin, such as the bark of certain trees, that are used in tanning and dyeing.
tanning bed an enclosed chamber in which one tans one's skin by lying on a transparent surface bathed in ultraviolet light rays.
tan one's hide (informal) to beat or spank someone severely.
tansy any of several fragrant herbs bearing small round flower heads, esp. a poisonous weed with feathery leaves and bearing small yellow flower heads, often used medicinally or as an herb.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
tantalizing arousing desire or interest, but usu. unavailable or beyond reach.
tantalum a chemical element that has seventy-three protons in each nucleus and that occurs, usu. together with niobium, as a hard, corrosion-resistant gray solid metal with a very high melting point, used esp. in various instruments and equipment. (symbol: Ta)
Tantalus in Greek mythology, a king who deceived the gods and was condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink it and was tempted with unreachable fruit hanging over his head.
tantamount equal to or the same as; equivalent.
tantrum a violent, noisy display of temper, esp. by a young child.
Tanzania an East African country on the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Mozambique.
Tanzanian of or pertaining to Tanzania or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
taoiseach (Irish; often cap.) the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland.
Taoism a Chinese philosophy and religious system, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, that advocates a life of simplicity, acceptance of the course of nature, and the like.
Taoist of or pertaining to a Chinese philosophy and religious system, based on the teachings of Lao Tzu, that advocates a life of simplicity, acceptance of the course of nature, and the like. [2 definitions]
tap1 to strike or cause to strike lightly, and often several times. [7 definitions]
tap2 a device to control the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container, or a plug to prevent such a flow; spigot; faucet. [9 definitions]
tapa the inner bark of the paper mulberry. [2 definitions]
tap dance a dance in which the performer, wearing shoes with special hard soles, uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm.
tap-dance to perform a tap dance.
tape a long narrow strip of material, usu. of plastic, cloth, or paper, sometimes having adhesive on one side. [5 definitions]