valet |
a manservant who attends to the personal needs of his employer, such as getting that person properly dressed. [5 definitions] |
valetudinarian |
a person confined or incapacitated by poor health; invalid. [4 definitions] |
valetudinary |
a valetudinarian. |
Valhalla |
in Scandinavian mythology, the hall where Odin receives and enshrines the heroes who have died bravely in battle. |
valiant |
showing or characterized by courage in both spirit and action; brave; heroic. [3 definitions] |
valid |
equitable; just. [4 definitions] |
validate |
to prove valid or acceptable; verify. [2 definitions] |
validation |
the act or process of proving or confirming (something) to be valid or acceptable. [2 definitions] |
validity |
the quality or condition of being valid. |
valine |
an amino acid, essential in the diet of humans and other animals, that is found in proteins. |
valise |
a small piece of hand luggage. |
Valium |
trademark name for diazepam, a tranquilizing drug that relaxes the muscles and relieves anxiety and depression. |
Valkyrie |
in Scandinavian mythology, any of the maidens who bring dead battle heroes to Valhalla and attend them there. |
Valletta |
the seaport capital of Malta. |
valley |
a long area of relatively low elevation, often having a stream bed at the bottom, surrounded by mountains or hills. [2 definitions] |
valor |
boldness in facing danger; courage; bravery. |
valorize |
to fix or maintain the price of (a commodity), esp. by a government, as by buying up a commodity at a fixed price or by making special loans to the producers. |
valorous |
having or showing bravery; valiant; courageous. |
Valsalva maneuver |
forced breathing out with the mouth and nose closed, so as to restore normal pressure in the ears. |
valse |
(French) waltz. |
valuable |
having great material or monetary worth; expensive. [3 definitions] |