whaling2 |
a beating; thrashing. |
wham |
the loud noise made by a hard blow, heavy falling object, or explosion. [3 definitions] |
whang1 |
(informal) the noise of a resounding blow or whack. [3 definitions] |
whang2 |
a leather thong. |
wharf |
a structure built along a shore, and often into the water, at which boats can be docked and loaded or unloaded; pier; quay. [4 definitions] |
wharfage |
the use of a wharf or the fee charged for such use. [2 definitions] |
wharf rat |
any of various large brown rats commonly found around wharves. [2 definitions] |
what |
which thing or kind of thing. [12 definitions] |
whatchamacallit |
(informal) that thing that one cannot recall the name of or does not wish to mention the name of. |
what'd |
(informal) contracted form of "what did." |
whatever |
anything or everything that. [7 definitions] |
What gives? |
(informal) used to obtain an explanation with regard to the current situation or what is currently happening (used esp. when confused or suspicious). |
what'll |
contracted form of "what will." |
what makes one tick |
what motivates or directs one's behavior (often used as a question). |
whatnot |
a small shelf or set of shelves for figurines, bric-a-brac, or other small items, or any of the items themselves. [2 definitions] |
what're |
(informal) contracted form of "what are." |
what's |
contracted form of "what is," or contracted form of "what has." [2 definitions] |
whatsoever |
whatever. |
What's up? |
used as an informal greeting or to inquire what is happening (sometimes fol. by "with"). |
what've |
(informal) contracted form of "what have." |
wheal |
a weal. |