yellow-shafted flicker |
a color phase of the common flicker that has bright yellow on the undersides of its wings and tail; yellowhammer. |
Yellowstone National Park |
the oldest and largest U.S. national park, mostly in northwestern Wyoming, known particularly for its hot springs and geysers. |
yellow streak |
(informal) a tendency to be a coward. |
yellowtail |
any of several large edible jack fishes, esp. one of the Pacific. [2 definitions] |
yellowthroat |
a small American warbler with a yellow throat, a white belly, an olive-brown back, and on the male, a black mask. |
yellow warbler |
a small American warbler that is mostly yellow, the male having reddish streaks on the breast. |
yellowwood |
any of various trees of the southern United States that have compound leaves, bear clusters of white flowers, and yield a yellow dye from their wood. [3 definitions] |
yelp |
to cry out quickly and sharply, as a dog or fox. [3 definitions] |
Yemen |
a nation at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, formed in 1990 by uniting North Yemen and Southern Yemen; Republic of Yemen. |
yen1 |
the chief monetary unit of Japan, equaling one hundred sen. |
yen2 |
(informal) a yearning or desire. [2 definitions] |
Yenisei River |
a major river, located primarily in Russia, that originates in the mountains of Mongolia, flows north through Siberia, and empties into the Kara Sea, a part of the Arctic Ocean. |
yenta |
(slang) a gossipy, meddlesome woman. |
yeoman |
in former times in Britain, a member of a class of commoners who owned and worked on their own land. [6 definitions] |
yeomanly |
pertaining to the rank or condition of a yeoman. [3 definitions] |
yeoman of the guard |
a member of the ceremonial guard of one hundred yeomen attending the British royal family. |
yeomanry |
formerly, the class of land-owning farmers. |
yeoman's service |
exceptionally good, loyal, or workmanlike service. |
yep |
(informal) yes. |
-yer |
one associated with (an action or thing), esp. as an occupation (used after "w"). |
yerba buena |
a trailing evergreen mint of the Pacific coast of North America, formerly used in medicine and as a tea. |