A/C |
abbreviation of "air conditioning," a system that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space. |
ac- |
to; toward. |
acacia |
any of several tropical trees of the mimosa family, some of which produce the commercially useful gum arabic. [2 definitions] |
academe |
the academic environment or life. |
academic |
of or concerning a school or university. [4 definitions] |
academic freedom |
in educational institutions, the freedom of a teacher to teach, of a student to learn, and of both to discuss and hold opinions, esp. about social, political, and moral issues, without arbitrary interference or reprisals by school or public officials, organized groups, or the like. |
academician |
one who belongs to an organization, such as an academy, that promotes learning. [2 definitions] |
academicism |
in the arts, rigid adherence to accepted and traditional forms. |
academy |
an institution of learning, often private or specialized. [2 definitions] |
Academy Award |
an award given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievement in motion picture production and performance, also called an Oscar. |
Acadia |
a former French colony on the northeastern coast of Canada. |
acanthus |
any of various Mediterranean plants with large, spiny leaves. [2 definitions] |
a cappella |
without instrumental accompaniment, as choral singing. |
Acapulco |
a port city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico, known for its resorts and water sports. |
accede |
to agree or consent; assent. [2 definitions] |
accelerando |
gradually speeding up in tempo (used as a musical direction). |
accelerant |
a substance capable of accelerating a process, such as the spreading of a fire. |
accelerate |
to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [4 definitions] |
acceleration |
the act or process of accelerating. [2 definitions] |
accelerator |
a mechanical device that regulates the speed of something, esp. the gas pedal of a car. [3 definitions] |
accelerometer |
an instrument that measures acceleration. |