a cappella |
without instrumental accompaniment, as choral singing. |
Acapulco |
a port city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico, known for its resorts and water sports. |
accede |
to agree or consent; assent. [2 definitions] |
accelerando |
gradually speeding up in tempo (used as a musical direction). |
accelerant |
a substance capable of accelerating a process, such as the spreading of a fire. |
accelerate |
to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [4 definitions] |
acceleration |
the act or process of accelerating. [2 definitions] |
accelerator |
a mechanical device that regulates the speed of something, esp. the gas pedal of a car. [3 definitions] |
accelerometer |
an instrument that measures acceleration. |
accent |
relative prominence of a syllable within a particular word; stress. [8 definitions] |
accentual |
of or pertaining to accent or stress in poetry. [2 definitions] |
accentuate |
to emphasize; draw attention to. [2 definitions] |
accept |
to receive, esp. willingly. [6 definitions] |
acceptable |
worthy of approval; satisfactory. [3 definitions] |
acceptance |
the act of accepting what is offered or given. [4 definitions] |
acceptation |
the generally accepted meaning of a word, phrase, or the like. [2 definitions] |
accepted |
generally regarded as normal, right, or correct; approved; recognized. [2 definitions] |
accepting |
having become able to regard something unwanted as unavoidable and not to be fought against; resigned. [2 definitions] |
access |
a way of approaching or entering a place. [5 definitions] |
accessary |
variant of accessory. |
accessible |
easily approachable, entered, or used. [3 definitions] |