accolade |
an expression or mark of approval; honor; award. |
accommodate |
to have room for. [6 definitions] |
accommodating |
willing to help or please; obliging. |
accommodation |
the act or process of accommodating. [6 definitions] |
accompaniment |
part of a musical composition that is intended to support more central parts. [2 definitions] |
accompanist |
one who provides a musical accompaniment, esp. on a piano. |
accompany |
to go along with or come with (someone or something) [4 definitions] |
accomplice |
a person who helps another commit a crime or wrongful act. |
accomplish |
to succeed in doing or finishing, esp. something that requires effort. [3 definitions] |
accomplishable |
combined form of accomplish. |
accomplished |
finished; completed. [3 definitions] |
accomplishment |
the act of accomplishing. [3 definitions] |
accord |
balanced interrelationship; agreement; harmony. [6 definitions] |
accordance |
agreement; compliance. [2 definitions] |
according |
agreeing. |
accordingly |
in accord with what is known, stated, or suitable; correspondingly. [2 definitions] |
according to |
in accord with or consistent with [2 definitions] |
according to Hoyle |
according to the rules; correctly. |
accordion |
a portable musical instrument having a keyboard and a pleated bellows that forces air through metal reeds to produce tones. [2 definitions] |
accost |
to confront and speak first to, often aggressively. [2 definitions] |
accouchement |
childbirth, or a period of confinement for childbirth. |