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achromatic consisting of black, gray, or white; colorless. [3 definitions]
achromic lacking color; colorless.
achy feeling an ache or aches.
acid in chemistry, any of a group of substances that usu. dissolve in water, have a sour taste, and form salts in reaction with bases. (Cf. base.) [7 definitions]
acidic like acid in taste, smell, pungency, or the like; acid. [3 definitions]
acidification the process of becoming, or causing to become, acid.
acidify to make or change into acid. [2 definitions]
acidity the characteristic or state of being acid. [3 definitions]
acidosis an abnormally high acidity of body tissues and fluids.
acid rain rain that has high acidity because of being mixed with pollutants such as vehicle exhausts and residues from burning of fossil fuels for energy or from chemical manufacturing.
acid rock a form of music popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s that has loud, often distorted sounds and harmonies, and lyrics that suggest psychedelic experiences.
acid test a stringent, crucial, or definitive test of value or quality.
acidulate to cause to become slightly acid.
acidulous faintly sour in taste; of mild acidity. [2 definitions]
acinus one of the small divisions in an aggregate fruit such as a blackberry. [2 definitions]
-acious characterized by; full of or tending toward.
-acity (such) a characteristic, condition, or tendency.
acknowledge to admit or recognize the truth, existence, fact, or validity of. [4 definitions]
acknowledgment the act of acknowledging, or the fact of being acknowledged. [2 definitions]
ACLU abbreviation of "American Civil Liberties Union," an organization that works to defend and preserve the civil rights of citizens in the United States.
acme the highest point, as of attainment; pinnacle.