acidulate |
to cause to become slightly acid. |
acidulous |
faintly sour in taste; of mild acidity. [2 definitions] |
acinus |
one of the small divisions in an aggregate fruit such as a blackberry. [2 definitions] |
-acious |
characterized by; full of or tending toward. |
-acity |
(such) a characteristic, condition, or tendency. |
acknowledge |
to admit or recognize the truth, existence, fact, or validity of. [4 definitions] |
acknowledgment |
the act of acknowledging, or the fact of being acknowledged. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "American Civil Liberties Union," an organization that works to defend and preserve the civil rights of citizens in the United States. |
acme |
the highest point, as of attainment; pinnacle. |
acne |
a skin disorder caused by inflammation of the oil glands, resulting in pimples, usu. on the face. |
acne rosacea |
a chronic skin condition affecting the face that is characterized by redness, pimples, swelling, and dilation of blood vessels; rosacea. |
acolyte |
a person who assists a clergyman in religious services, esp. Roman Catholic. [2 definitions] |
aconite |
a plant of the buttercup family, that has poisonous and medicinal properties; monkshood. [2 definitions] |
acorn |
the fruit of the oak tree, having a smooth, ovoid nut partially enclosed by a rough, cuplike base. |
acorn squash |
a variety of winter squash with a ridged acorn shape and dark green skin. |
acoustic |
having to do with sound or the science of sound, or with the sensation and organs of hearing. [3 definitions] |
acoustics |
(used with a sing. verb) the branch of science dealing with the physics of sound. [2 definitions] |
acquaint |
to introduce, or to make familiar or accustomed to (usu. fol. by "with"). [2 definitions] |
acquaintance |
a person one has met but does not know well. [3 definitions] |
acquainted |
having personal knowledge or familiarity (often fol. by "with"). |
acquiesce |
to agree silently or without protest; comply; consent. |