adj. |
abbreviation of "adjective," in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent. |
adjacent |
near or next to; adjoining. |
adjacent angles |
two angles that have a common vertex and one common side. |
adjectival |
of, relating to, or functioning as an adjective. |
adjective |
in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent. [2 definitions] |
adjoin |
to be next to; abut. [2 definitions] |
adjoining |
touching at some line or point; having a common wall, border, or the like; contiguous. |
adjourn |
to end or temporarily discontinue the proceedings of (a meeting or the like). [3 definitions] |
adjournment |
the act of adjourning, or the condition of being adjourned. [2 definitions] |
adjudge |
to declare or determine formally or judicially. [3 definitions] |
adjudicate |
to settle by a judge or judges or in a judicial procedure. [2 definitions] |
adjudication |
the act or process of adjudicating. |
adjunct |
something joined to another thing but not an integral part of it; supplement; accessory. [4 definitions] |
adjure |
to command or bind as by oath. [2 definitions] |
adjust |
to bring to a more desirable, fitting, or correct state, relationship, position, or the like. [5 definitions] |
adjustable |
able to be adjusted; able to be made into a more desirable, fitting, or correct state, position, or the like. [2 definitions] |
adjustment |
the act or process of adjusting. [3 definitions] |
adjutant |
a military officer who assists a commanding officer in administrative affairs. [2 definitions] |
adjutant general |
a staff officer who serves as chief administrative assistant to the commanding officer of an army corps or division. [3 definitions] |
ad lib |
without preparation; in a spontaneous or improvised manner; ad libitum. |
ad-lib |
to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [3 definitions] |