advisory |
of, providing, or containing advice. [3 definitions] |
advocacy |
the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause. |
advocate |
to urge support or acceptance of. [4 definitions] |
advt. |
abbreviation of "advertisement," a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. |
adz |
an axlike tool with a curved, sharp-edged head set crosswise to the handle, used for shaping large pieces of wood. |
Aeaea |
in Greek mythology, the island home of the sorceress Circe. |
Aeaean |
of or pertaining to Aeaea, the island home of the sorceress Circe in Greek mythology. [2 definitions] |
Aeaean Circe |
in Greek mythology, the enchantress Circe, who has the power to turn sailors into swine, as described by an epithet referring to her island home, Aeaea. |
aedes |
see "yellow fever mosquito." |
Aegean |
of, pertaining to, located in, or bordering on the Aegean Sea. [3 definitions] |
Aegean Sea |
an extension of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey. |
aegis |
protection; sponsorship. |
Aeneas |
the Trojan hero of the Aeneid, who survives the fall of Troy, wanders for seven years, and becomes the founder of Rome. |
Aeneid |
an epic poem by Virgil that tells of the adventures of Aeneas from the fall of Troy to his founding of Rome. |
Aeolian |
of or relating to Aeolis, its people, or its culture. [3 definitions] |
aeolian harp |
a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them. |
Aeolis |
an ancient Greek colony on the northwest coast of Asia Minor. |
Aeolus |
in Greek mythology, the god who controls the winds. |
aeon |
variant of eon. |
aeonian |
lasting forever; eternal. |
aerate |
to expose to the circulation or chemical action of air in order to ventilate or cleanse. [3 definitions] |