Aeneas |
the Trojan hero of the Aeneid, who survives the fall of Troy, wanders for seven years, and becomes the founder of Rome. |
Aeneid |
an epic poem by Virgil that tells of the adventures of Aeneas from the fall of Troy to his founding of Rome. |
Aeolian |
of or relating to Aeolis, its people, or its culture. [3 definitions] |
aeolian harp |
a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them. |
Aeolis |
an ancient Greek colony on the northwest coast of Asia Minor. |
Aeolus |
in Greek mythology, the god who controls the winds. |
aeon |
variant of eon. |
aeonian |
lasting forever; eternal. |
aerate |
to expose to the circulation or chemical action of air in order to ventilate or cleanse. [3 definitions] |
aerator |
a device that aerates a fluid or mixes it with air. |
aerial |
of, associated with, or occurring in the air or atmosphere. [6 definitions] |
aerialist |
one who performs on a trapeze or tightrope. |
aerie |
a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey. [2 definitions] |
aero- |
air or atmosphere. [3 definitions] |
aerobatics |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) spectacular stunts, such as rolls, loops, and dives, performed by an airplane or glider. |
aerobe |
an organism, such as a bacterium, that needs oxygen to live. |
aerobic |
occurring or living only in the presence of oxygen. [3 definitions] |
aerobics |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a system of physical conditioning involving sustained and vigorous exercise such as running, swimming, cycling, or dancing, that stimulates the heart and lungs and thereby improves the body's ability to utilize oxygen. |
aerobiology |
a branch of biology concerned with airborne viruses, microbes, pollutants, and the like. |
aerodynamic |
of or relating to aerodynamics. [2 definitions] |
aerodynamics |
(used with a sing. verb) a science that deals with the dynamics of air and other gases and with the forces acting on objects that move through them. |