after all |
used to remind the listener of an important fact or to ask the listener to consider this fact. [2 definitions] |
afterbirth |
the placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus after the birth of a human or animal. |
afterburner |
a device that increases the thrust of a jet engine by injecting fuel into the exhaust gases for burning. [2 definitions] |
afterdamp |
a suffocating gas or mixture of gases that remains in a mine after a methane explosion or fire. |
aftereffect |
an effect that follows its cause after some period of time, such as a delayed effect caused by a medicine or exposure to chemicals. |
afterglow |
the light, or the impression of light, that lingers after its source or cause is gone, as after a sunset. [2 definitions] |
afterimage |
a sensory impression, usu. visual, that continues after the stimulus causing it has ceased. |
afterlife |
life after death. [2 definitions] |
aftermath |
the result or consequence of an event. [2 definitions] |
aftermost |
nearest the back or stern, as on a ship; farthest aft. |
afternoon |
the period between noon and evening. [2 definitions] |
afternoons |
in or during any, every, or a usual afternoon. |
after one's own heart |
according to or sharing one's tastes and preferences. |
after-school |
occurring after school hours, esp. from the time school is over until the end of the work day. |
aftershave |
an astringent, scented lotion for use on the face after shaving. |
aftershock |
a small earthquake or a series of small earthquakes that follows a larger one and that originates at or near the same epicenter. |
aftertaste |
a lingering sensation, usu. of taste, sometimes continuing after its cause is gone. [2 definitions] |
afterthought |
something not in an original plan or design. [2 definitions] |
afterward |
at a subsequent time; subsequently. |
Ag |
symbol of the chemical element silver. |
ag- |
to. |