ahtomp |
in Wampanoag language and culture, a weapon used for shooting arrows; bow. |
Ahura Mazda |
in Zoroastrianism, the supreme deity and creator of the world; Ormazd. |
A.I. |
abbreviation of "artificial intelligence." |
ai1 |
used as an expression of distress, pity, surprise, or the like. |
ai2 |
a large three-toed sloth of Central and South America, whose coat has a greenish tinge from the algae that live in it. |
aid |
to provide assistance, help, or relief to. [4 definitions] |
aide |
a military officer who serves as confidential assistant to a commanding officer such as a general. [2 definitions] |
aide-de-camp |
a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral. |
aidman |
an enlisted medical corpsman attached to a combat unit. |
acronym of "acquired immune deficiency syndrome," a serious viral disease of the body's immune system, transferred through blood, sexual contact, contaminated hypodermic needles, or the like. |
AIDS-related complex |
a condition characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes that may be an early sign of AIDS. |
aigrette |
a head ornament made of an upright tuft of egret tail feathers. |
aikido |
a system of self-defense, originating in Japan, in which an opponent's strength and weight are used against him or her by using specific throws and holds. |
ail |
to distress or cause illness or discomfort to. [2 definitions] |
ailanthus |
a deciduous tree, originating in Asia, with fernlike leaves and clusters of greenish flowers with an offensive odor. |
aileron |
a movable flap on the rear edge of an airplane's wing, used to control rolling and banking. |
ailing |
in poor or weakened health or condition; sickly or sick. |
ailment |
a sickness or disorder, usu. physical; illness. |
ailurophile |
a person who loves cats. |
aim |
to point carefully (usu. a weapon), with the intention of hitting a target. [8 definitions] |
aimless |
characterized by or having no purpose. |