airdrome |
an airport or landing field. |
airdrop |
to deliver by parachute from an aircraft. [2 definitions] |
air-dry |
to allow to dry by the process of evaporation into the air rather than by the use of an appliance. [2 definitions] |
Airedale |
one of a breed of large, long-legged terriers with wiry tan hair and black markings. |
airfare |
fare for traveling by aircraft, esp. by airplane. |
airfield |
a level surface, usu. with one or more paved runways, on which aircraft land and take off; airport. |
airflow |
a flow of air, esp. around a moving vehicle, missile, or the like. |
airfoil |
any aircraft part or surface, such as a wing or rudder, designed to utilize aircurrents to aid in propelling, lifting, and controlling movement. |
air force |
the aviation branch of a nation's military forces, or one of the units under an air command. |
air-fuel |
pertaining to the air and fuel injected at the same time into a combustion engine. |
air gun |
a gun that is operated by compressed air and usu. fires small pellets. [2 definitions] |
air hole |
an opening for the intake or discharge of air or gas. [3 definitions] |
airily |
in a lighthearted manner; breezily. [2 definitions] |
airiness |
the quality or condition of being airy or fresh. [2 definitions] |
airing |
an exposure to air or wind, so as to refresh or dry. [3 definitions] |
air lane |
a route regularly used by aircraft; airway. |
airless |
lacking air or fresh air; stuffy. [2 definitions] |
air letter |
an airmail letter. [2 definitions] |
airlift |
the systematic transportation of people or supplies by air when ground routes are impossible or dangerous to use, esp. in a battle zone or during an emergency. [2 definitions] |
airline |
a system of transportation by air offering scheduled flights between various points, or a business that owns and operates the equipment required by such a system. [2 definitions] |
airliner |
a commercial passenger airplane. |