air taxi |
a small aircraft that carries passengers or cargo over short distances, esp. to places not served by regular airlines. |
airtight |
preventing the entrance or exit of air. [2 definitions] |
airtime |
broadcast time allotted, as to an event or news story, on television or radio. |
air-to-air |
of a missile or the like, designed to be shot by an aircraft at an aerial target. |
air traffic |
movement of airplanes and other air transportation vehicles through the air or on runways. |
airwaves |
the media used for transmission of radio and television signals. |
airway |
a route of passage for an aircraft. [3 definitions] |
air well |
a usu. central court that is enclosed by the exterior walls of a building and provides air and light. |
airworthy |
fit and safe for use in flight. |
airy |
open to the flow of air; breezy. [5 definitions] |
aisle |
any passageway, as between sections of seats in a theater or sections of shelves in a store. [2 definitions] |
ajar1 |
partly opened, as a hinged door, window, or lid. |
ajar2 |
not in accordance or harmonious with. |
AK |
abbreviation of "Alaska," a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada. |
a.k.a. |
abbreviation of "also known as." |
akimbo |
with hand on hip and elbow pointed away from the body. [2 definitions] |
akin |
related by blood; kin. [2 definitions] |
-al1 |
characterized by; of or pertaining to. |
-al2 |
act; action; process. |
-al3 |
an aldehyde, or a barbiturate. |
Al |
symbol of the chemical element aluminum. |