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Albertina Sisulu South African anti-apartheid activist, who is a founding member of the Federation of South African Women and a member of the African National Congress (b.1919).
Albert Schweitzer a French physician, musician, and missionary in Africa (b.1875--d.1965).
Albigenses the members of a Christian sect that flourished in southern France from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, when it was exterminated for heresy.
albinism a congenital condition characterized by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes.
albino an animal or human that has a congenital lack of pigmentation resulting in abnormally pale skin and hair and pink eyes, or a plant that similarly lacks pigmentation.
album a book or binder with blank pages or empty pockets in which a collection can be inserted, as of photographs, stamps, or mementos. [3 definitions]
albumen the nutritive substance surrounding an embryo or seed, such as the white of an egg. [2 definitions]
albumin any of a class of proteins soluble in water and coagulating in heat, found in egg white, blood, milk, and various plant and animal tissues.
Albuquerque the largest city in the U.S. state of New Mexico, located in the central region.
alburnum the soft wood between the bark and the heartwood of a tree; sapwood.
alcaide a commander or governor of a fortress in Spain, Portugal, or their colonies.
alcalde in Spain and the U.S. Southwest, a mayor who also acts as a judge.
alcazar a fortress or castle of the Moors in Spain.
alchemist one who practices alchemy.
alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease. [2 definitions]
alcohol one of a class of colorless, flammable, and volatile liquids that in pure form is contained in beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey, and causes intoxication when drunk to excess; ethanol. [3 definitions]
alcohol-free of a beverage, containing no alcohol.
alcoholic containing alcohol. [4 definitions]
alcoholism a pathological condition resulting from habitual overuse of alcoholic beverages, characterized by dependence on alcohol, difficulty in functioning properly, and severe withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped.
alcoholize to saturate, combine, or treat with alcohol. [2 definitions]
alcove a separate or recessed part of a room that is partly enclosed. [2 definitions]