all- |
completely or exclusively. [4 definitions] |
Allah |
in the religion of Islam, the name of the supreme deity. |
all along |
from the beginning; the whole time. |
all-American |
pertaining to an individual or group of players selected as the best in the United States in any particular sport. [5 definitions] |
allargando |
gradually slower and broader, with more weight or power (used as a musical direction). |
all-around |
able to do a variety of things; not specialized; versatile. [2 definitions] |
all at once |
suddenly. [2 definitions] |
allay |
to quiet or lay to rest (fears, doubts, and the like). [2 definitions] |
all clear |
the signal that an air raid or disaster drill is over. |
allegation |
an assertion made in the absence of positive proof. [3 definitions] |
allege |
to state with certainty; declare. [3 definitions] |
alleged |
claimed, usually with some amount of evidence, to be as described, although not proven so. |
allegedly |
according to what has been alleged. |
allegiance |
devotion or loyalty to a person, country, or cause. |
allegorical |
having to do with allegory. [2 definitions] |
allegorist |
one who writes or uses allegory. |
allegorize |
to make an allegory of or treat as an allegory. [3 definitions] |
allegory |
a device in art or literature by which abstract moral or spiritual qualities are represented by concrete characters, things, and events. [2 definitions] |
allegretto |
light, graceful, and quick in tempo, but slower than allegro (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
allegro |
fast and brisk in tempo (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
allele |
one of several forms of a gene responsible for hereditary variations, usu. produced by mutation. |