allure |
to attract by appealing to desires or wishes; tempt. [4 definitions] |
alluring |
strongly attracting; tempting; enchanting. |
allusion |
an indirect reference to or mention of something. |
allusive |
referring to something implied or inferred; containing an allusion. [2 definitions] |
alluvial |
of or pertaining to a flood plain or to sediment deposited by flowing water. |
alluvium |
sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed. (Cf. eluvium.) |
all wet |
completely wrong; mistaken. |
ally |
to unite or connect in a formal alliance (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [5 definitions] |
Alma-Ata |
the largest city of Kazakhstan and a former capital. |
alma mater |
the school, college, or university at which one has studied. [2 definitions] |
almanac |
a published collection of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [3 definitions] |
almighty |
having absolute power; all-powerful, as a deity. [3 definitions] |
almond |
a tree of the rose family that is native to warm temperate regions, closely related to the cherry. [6 definitions] |
almoner |
one who distributes money or other gifts to the poor, esp. on behalf of an institution or royalty. |
almost |
not quite all; nearly. |
alms |
a charitable gift, esp. of money, given to the poor. |
almshouse |
(old-fashioned) an institution financed from public funds that provides shelter to those in need; poorhouse. [2 definitions] |
aloe |
any of a genus of mostly African plants that have thick, jagged leaves and bear red or yellow flowers. [2 definitions] |
aloe vera |
a plant with spiky leaves that contain a juice thought to heal cuts and burns. [2 definitions] |
aloft |
in or toward a high location. |
aloha |
in Hawaii, a welcome, hello, or good-bye. [2 definitions] |