alternate angles |
a pair of nonadjacent angles that are formed on opposite sides of a line where it crosses two others transversely. |
alternating current |
electrical current that reverses direction at regular intervals. (Cf. direct current.) |
alternation |
the act or process of alternating. [2 definitions] |
alternative |
one of two or more possibilities; option. [5 definitions] |
alternative energy |
any form of energy other than that which comes from fossil fuel. |
alternative energy source |
any source of energy other than fossil fuel. |
alternative fuel |
a fuel other than fossil fuel used to power an internal combustion engine. |
alternative medicine |
any medical treatment or therapy, such as homeopathy and acupuncture, that is considered nontraditional and is generally not taught in conventional medical schools. |
alternator |
a generator which produces alternating electrical current. |
althea |
any of a group of plants having tall spikes of flowers, such as hollyhocks. |
Althea Gibson |
U.S. professional tennis player, who was the first African-American woman to win all the major world singles tennis titles (b.1927--d.2003). |
althorn |
any of various brass wind instruments in the alto or tenor range, esp. the altosaxhorn; alto horn. |
although |
in spite of the fact that; even though; though. |
altimeter |
an altitude-measuring device such as a specially calibrated barometer. |
altitude |
the height of a given object or location above a specified base, such as sea level or earth. [4 definitions] |
alto |
the vocal range between tenor and soprano, being the lowest for the female and highest for the male. [5 definitions] |
alto clef |
in musical notation, a clef with middle C on the middle line of the staff, or the sign identifying this clef; viola clef. |
altocumulus |
a cloud having rounded, fluffy edges and a white or gray color, found at medium altitudes. |
altogether |
thoroughly; totally. [3 definitions] |
altoist |
in jazz, one who plays alto saxophone. |
altostratus |
a thick dense cloud that forms a uniform gray sheet that often produces precipitation, found at medium altitudes. |