Alzheimer's disease |
a severe, progressive disease that causes the brain cells to degenerate, often leading to dementia. |
AM |
a system of varying a radio signal's amplitude so as to impose the signal on a carrier wave; amplitude modulation. [2 definitions] |
Am |
symbol of the chemical element americium. |
am |
first person present sing. of be. |
a.m. |
abbreviation of "ante meridiem" (Latin); the period from midnight until noon. |
abbreviation of "American Medical Association." |
amah |
in India and the Far East, a female servant, esp. a child's nurse. |
amalgam |
a metal alloy containing mercury. [2 definitions] |
amalgamate |
to combine or blend into a single unit. [4 definitions] |
amalgamation |
the act, process, or result of combining two or more, often disparate, things. |
Amalthaea |
in Greek and Roman mythology, the goat that nursed Zeus, or Jupiter. [2 definitions] |
amandine |
prepared or served with almonds. |
amanita |
any of various, mostly poisonous mushrooms having blade-shaped gills on the underside. |
amanuensis |
a secretary or manuscript copyist. |
amaranth |
a plant having coarse leaves and bearing purple, green, or red clusters of small flowers, often grown as a food crop. [3 definitions] |
amaryllis |
any of a group of bulbous plants bearing a lilylike rose-colored blossom. |
amass |
to gather or accumulate for oneself. [3 definitions] |
amateur |
one who pursues an activity or is devoted to a study purely for intrinsic reward rather than monetary gain. [5 definitions] |
amateurish |
not of professional or expert quality; characteristic of an amateur; lacking skill. |
amatory |
of or concerning physical love or the expression of love. |
amaze |
to astonish or overcome with wonder. |